Daily Scripture 1 Corinthians 13:6-8
Sacred Scripture
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Until the Days of Fire (Poem)
From 'Writing' - 02.06.2024
And Lo, Behold! As gloaming visions struck
Of empty Hell like ice beneath the surf;
An endless void by gyre sealed and clothed
Reserved until the days of fire come.
And Lo, I walked alone that whispering road;
A stony path beneath the shifting crust.
Necropolis of mantle rock below
Those basalt gates that hapless entry block.
And when said threshold parts to passage grant,
A shock of terror droned its way unto
My heart, my bones, my mind, resolved
To cry, 'proclaim!' in His accepted year.
And thus I reached that icy hole that bores
A radius into the endless dark.
The Presence hummed its malice up toward
Me as I prayed this chalice be removed.
I felt him all around myself; That hot
And pungent breath of Lions paceth by
my neck and shook the cave with arms yet not
So visible to see with naked eye.
Aware was I at once that he could see-
Malevolence as old as Sun and Time
Bore down upon my humble fleshly self
Then bathed me in a freshly bloodend light.
O' Tow'r of Silence, what lost secrets hide
Within thy belly? Shadend dungeon teeth
Who know nothing of Apas, Zam, or Fire,
Who shy from light to hold the lifeless soul.
The excarnations of delight whose starved,
Old Masters hunger for thine fleshy parts.